Sunny @sunnya97 | Emperor Osmo @flowslikeosmo
OGP presenting Grants recipients:
Laika - @getlaikaapp
Chaos Labs - Omer @omeragoldberg
Lava Network — @lavanetxyz, Linktree
Cleper @yaircleper & @xgilxgil - cofounders
- Osmosis v13 - stableswap pools are live, expect incentives props soon, particularly on a tri-pool
- ICNS - InterChain Name Service — looking to integrate social identity into interchain wallets like Keplr, Cosmostation, and Skiff, as well as Commonwealth governance. Will make Osmosis even more fun to hang out in. Contract upload props are live, users may be able to claim their Twitter names as ICNS names as early as next week!
- Laika - OGP recipient. Tooling/UI that automates blockchain request writing within CosmWasm smart contracts on Osmosis. Ecosystem Spotlight.
- Chaos Labs - OGP recipient working with HathorNodes on recommendations to make OSMO incentives more efficient — generating more volume/revenue with the same amount of incentives or less
- so far, modeling suggests big improvements
- recs to be released in 4-5 weeks
- Lava - a Cosmos-based project focused on decentralized RPC infrastructure. It is a major weakness of blockchain tech in general that so much of it runs on just a few node providers (e.g. Infura). In Lava’s model, many off-chain (i.e. fast) nodes deliver data, and the data consumers verify them against each other. Node providers also must make on-chain attestations.
- Terra Classic IBC channels have been re-opened, so any previously stranded tokens can now be moved
Last Updates for the Year! Next meeting, Jan. 11, 2023
v13 is live:
Stableswap - a couple of pools have been put up with the new logic, and some props should be coming up soon to incentivize some of them
-USDT, USDC, and BUSD seems like it may be the main three-pool
-IST pool getting put up, DAI, probably USK
Multi-hop swap fee discount: if you’re swapping indirectly, but through OSMO pools, you only pay the higher of the two fees, e.g. ATOM to REGEN, no direct pool, so buy OSMO with ATOM in ATOM/OSMO, then buy REGEN in REGEN/OSMO — individual pool fees will go down a little, but the volume should make up for it (including enhanced arb opportunities, since arbs aren’t worthwhile until profits are greater than fees)
-this also reduces the need for non-OSMO pools, since fees are now the same when multi-hopping through OSMO pools
Rate Limiting: now live. will need to be turned on / parameterized with governance