from Osmocon Video Part 1: 01:00:00 - 01:29:50

-Master List of Osmocon Notes


Basic philosophies:

Axelar — bridge as safely as possible to outside ecosystems as quickly as possible: focus on building the transport layer outside of IBC

Composable: focused on IBC and light-clients as the transport layer to Polkadot and Near and Ethereum 2.0 — other ecosystems harder and will happen later

Nomic: light-client to BTC, and nBTC within IBC

Bridged Asset Fragmentation:

—all agree that initial fragmentation will be followed by consolidation into canonicity

—disagree slightly on the mechanism by which this will happen: apps / DAOs / users a priori deciding on canonicity, vs. market arbitrage by expert vs. normal users

-will be easier to decide as market matures

Generalized Message Passing:

-also, assets may eventually not even move cross-chain very much, as apps either sit on bridges, or as generalized cross-chain message passing takes over (e.g. borrow on one chain against collateral on another)

Race to zero fees?

Sergey: no, there will be different pricing structures based on risk, speed, guarantees/insurance, amounts being transferred

Matt and BrainJar: yes, race to zero.

BrainJar: relayers/transport/bridging infra. will eventually make money with MEV rather than fees

Matt: we just like building cool stuff with/on top of Bitcoin — it’s the largest and most untapped market in DeFi


**Leland (mod.) - Cosmos has its own native bridging through IBC**

-very interesting to see how these other bridges will interact with IBC

Matt: Nomic is different bc focused on bringing a single asset to Cosmos: BTC

-benefit of single-asset focus is security

-we also want to do DeFi on Bitcoin-type things

-nBTC (Nomic Bitcoin) - we want pools of that on Osmosis

-an entry port to Cosmos: you deposit to a Bitcoin address and have it in Cosmos

Sergey: Axelar Network is working on secure cross-chain interoperability across all sorts of ecosystems (Osmosis, Cosmos, Ethereum, Polygon, Moonbeam, etc.)

-not a one-off bridge, but a network and transport layer with robust security

-uniform routing, etc.